Last updated on August 3rd, at 01:42 pm
Rooted your Android device? Then here are the top 5 must-have apps for your rooted android device. These apps will expand the capabilities of your device, which otherwise would not be possible.
But remember, your Android must be rooted as these apps need root access. If you are not sure, here is what rooting in Android means.
See also one of the best one-click root tools for Android.
If yours was a used Android phone, here’s how to check if the Android phone/device was rooted or not.
Page Contents
The top 5 must-have Apps for Rooted Android device.
1: Greenify
Want to save your Android battery? This is the app you should try. This app kills all background apps that drain the battery. You can select apps that are not relevant and Greenify will kill it. Apps like emails, Facebook, Twitter which tends to sync regularly, can be put to sleep, to save data and battery too.
2: Titanium backup
This is considered one of the best backup tools for the Android device. But the app requires root access, which lets you back up all of your apps along with your data.
This app also lets you backup your Android system apps. The best feature I like is it allows you to uninstall all unnecessary bloatware apps which you don’t use. Just be careful that you don’t uninstall the Android system files.
3:Xposed Framework
This tool makes customizing your Android device very easy. But it requires a rooted Android device. It gives access to several customizations which is available on a custom ROM.
This app has a list of modules for download. Most of the modules have their settings that you can configure.
4: Device Control
A very useful and handy app. With this, you can control several features. Comes loaded with Tasker, App Manager, Editors, Wireless file manager, and many more.
With this app you control device vibration strength, screen color temperature, LCD power reduce, CPU and GPU frequencies, governors, Kernel specific like Intelli-plug, Intelli-thermal by faux, power scheduling, voltage control, Fast charge and many more.
5: Disk Digger
Have you ever accidentally deleted some pictures from your Android phone or had to format your memory card?
No worry, if you have a Rooted Android device then this tool DiskDigger is your solution.
This app lets you recover lost photos, images from your memory card. The pro version (paid) allows you to recover other files too.
These were some must-have apps for a rooted Android Device, we thought worth its name. There are many more out there.

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