Last updated on September 28th, at 07:43 pm
Are you using AdSense on your site and want to increase your AdSense earnings?
AdSense is the top and the best advertisement program for bloggers. This is one of the best ways to monetize your blog or website.
Publishers and bloggers have to face many challenges to meet the constantly changing Google Core Algorithm updates. On top of it, publishers had to create new content, grow quality traffic, and attempt to increase revenues.
But there are some Proven Strategies and tips that still work every time to increase your AdSense earnings.
Many blogger’s especially beginners, have Google AdSense Ads running, but the earnings are not coming or too less, and gets impatient. It takes time, and time is what they can’t give.
In case you missed: 5 Best Google AdSense Optimized WordPress Themes
Page Contents
5 Proven Strategies To Increase Your AdSense Earnings
1: What is your Blog Topic! choose the right Niche
Starting a Blog and writing a few articles and publishing it, is easy. But what is the primary focus of your Blog? Google AdSense tends to work best on Blogs that have a specific topic, not just random articles.
So it’s important to make your blog’s topic more focused. This will signal AdSense Ads what to be displayed on your Blog.
Remember Ads not related to the article that you write will have a very little click-through and less earning.
2: Be Consistent and be focused on your Content
Google pays more importance to Blogs which are updated regularly. I am not saying that you should update your blog daily ( better if you can do so).
Google serves ads based on your page content. So more focused your content is on the topic, better Google Ads placement will be, relevant to your article and will increase the likelihood that your readers will click.
3: Work Hard to Increase your Blog Traffic
Traffic and more traffic The more visitors you have the more potential for clicks on your Google AdSense Ads. Adsense ads perform best when your traffic is from search engines.
Be consistent and write regularly to increase your Blog’s traffic which in turn will boost Ads click through.
If your blog content is consistent and regular, your regular blog readers and returning visitors will increase, thereby increasing the chances of getting your Ads clicked.
4: Focus on your Keywords: Your main Concern
Keywords, the most important factor for Blog traffic and AdSense. Keywords are that important not only for the Google AdSense program but even Advertisers bid on keywords relevant to their business.
Some keywords are said to be more popular than others therefore attracts higher bids. So higher bids keywords also means higher payouts.
So research and test your content keywords. Use Google AdWords Tool to research keywords for topics you plan to write.
5: Research on Best Google Ads Placement on your Blog
Is there really any truth that where you place those Google AdSense ads can actually increase your earning with AdSense. Successful bloggers and experience say “YES”.
In fact, Google’s AdSense experts say that there is a direct correlation between the placement of the AdSense ads and the resulting click-through. HEAT MAP illustration from Google itself tells the story.
As shown below, certain locations tend to be more successful than others. This is keeping in view the blog readers’ eye movement and the most likely place to click.
This “Heat map” illustrates the ideal placing of ads on a sample page layout. The colors fade from darker to lighter colors.
The dark-colored region indicates the strongest performing area and lighter color areas weakest performing area of a page.
You can display Google AdSense Ads anywhere on your blog. I suggest testing a variety of positions on your site and determine which Ads positions work best for your blog. Use Google Analytics.
Check out: 3 Highest Earning Google AdSense Ad Placement You Must Try
Bonus TIP
Google AdSense pays more importance on self-hosted sites. If your blog is not a self-hosted one. Give it a thought, find a good host, and transfer your blog.
Stick to Google’s TOC. Know how many Google AdSense can we display in a single post page. Don’t clutter your page with Advertisers Ads which distracts your readers.
Always be on alert. Track the performance of your blog through Google Analytics or similar tools. See how your keywords are performing. Check your Ads placements performance periodically and change if required.
Above all write regularly, keep your posts updated with fresh relevant content and be patient.

Hello! I am Ben Jamir, Founder, and Author of this blog Tipsnfreeware. I blog about computer tips & tricks, share tested free Software’s, Networking, WordPress tips, SEO tips. If you like my post /Tips then please like and share it with your friends.
Great One! I will definitely follow some of your points mentioned 🙂
Great Nagaraj, and good luck.
Happy blogging
Thank You! Happy Blogging 🙂
Welcome, Nagaraj !!