Last updated on September 21st, at 09:52 pm
Prevent and block the installation of spyware and other potentially unwanted software! with spyware blocker software
Spyware, adware, browser hijackers, and dialers are some of the most annoying and pervasive threats on the Internet today. By simply browsing a web page,without any protection you could find your computer infected.
Page Contents
What is a Spyware
Spyware is a software by itself with malicious intent designed to be like that. It usually gets installed in your computer hidden in programs that advertisers install on your PC without your permission.
You will realize your PC is infected with spyware, malware if you see these warning signs of infection with spyware.
The most important step you can take is to secure your system and prevent and block it before it gets entry in to your system
SpywareBlaster is the most powerful spyware protection program available. Spyware blockers are tools that constantly monitor sites that you visit and blocks spyware activities on sites that try to inject malicious codes.
Spyware blockers are not Spyware remover.
We must understand that spyware blockers are different than spyware remover. Spyware removal software’s scans and removes spyware that is already there in the system.
How to prevent spyware infection?
Spyware blaster is a software that can prevent spyware and adware from being installed onto your computer in the first place.
Generally, firewalls are used to alert users when this type of software tries to install itself onto the computer. And gives the user a choice on whether or not they would like it installed.
If you are using a firewall on your system, they can actually prevent spyware and adware from getting onto your computer.
This means you need to be careful when the Firewall software warns you of any un-natural activities.
So obviously prevention is always the best way to go when it comes to spyware, adware, and any kind of computer virus. You will be much better off if you can stop it from getting onto your computer in the first place.
How SpywareBlaster prevent spyware infection
Spywareblaster prevent the installation of spyware and other potentially unwanted software! Simple, effective, trusted.
Multi-Angle Protection
1: Prevent the installation of ActiveX-based spyware and other potentially unwanted programs.
2: Block spying / tracking via cookies.
3: Restrict the actions of potentially unwanted or dangerous web sites
Instead of dealing with spyware after-the-fact, SpywareBlaster utilizes a proven and trusted prevention approach to help minimize the spyware threat.
Unlike many other solutions, SpywareBlaster does not need to remain running in the background, so you don’t have to worry about your computer slowing down.
Proven Security
SpywareBlaster can help keep your system secure, without interfering with the “good side” of the web.
Unlike other programs, SpywareBlaster does not have to remain running in the background. It works alongside the programs you have to help secure your system.
Spywareblaster a freeware enables administrators to block spyware at the network gateway before it reaches the user’s desktops.
Notable features of SpywareBlaster
- doesn’t slow down web browsing
- doesn’t interfere with the “good side” of the web
- doesn’t slow down your computer
- doesn’t use up any memory or take any cpu
(you set it, close the program, and just remember to update it at least once a week)
Download the Spywareblaster

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