Last updated on July 31st, at 02:51 pm
How to increase your blog traffic (visitors) to your Blog? this is one “question” that disturbs every blogger. For a new blogger, this is a reality that haunts him/her from day one you start your blog.
Because without blog traffic your blog will die a slow death, and you don’t want it.
Employ these 16 tips on how to get your blog noticed.16 Proven Ways to Increase Your Blog Traffic fast
The following tips collected from many sources and presented in a manner of importance (to me). So you too can help your blog to get noticed and increase your blog traffic.
Simple TIPS to Increase your Blog Traffic and see the difference
1: Stick to your niche (topics on whatever you write). Write, and write well with quality content to keep your readers interested and wanting them to come back again.
2: Submit your blog to Search engines, this is very important to make sure it is listed or how else do you expect people to find your blog?
Of course, don’t expect to find your blog in the first search page, it does take time for it to go up the list)
3: Pay attention to comments your readers leave. Never ignore any comment, always reply to comments, by responding and interacting with your reader’s comments.
It is also wise to leave thoughtful and relevant comments on other’s blogs, to draw their attention and visit your blog.
4: Make it a point to link to others using Blogroll. Owners of the Blog you link to will most likely link to you back and have their visitors use the links to go to your blog.
5: Syndicate your Blog with Feedburner so that others can get updates to your blog easily. If you don’t have an account with Feedburner, open it, it’s free.
6: Use links to your blog, these are powerful “vote of confidence” that are counted in ranking your blog. You should create internal links from your posts to your other posts too (Works best when you use the right keywords to link).
That way you will encourage your readers to read your related posts also. Trackbacks are links in other blogs comment that links back to your blog.
They are created when you link to these blog posts in your posts. However, some blogs don’t allow trackbacks to appear.
7: Tag your posts thoughtfully. Good tags related to your post increase the chances of the search engine to find your content.
You can have as many Tags as you want but 3 to 4 relevant Tags should be sufficient.
8: Submit your blog posts to social benchmarking sites like Technorati, Digg, Stumbleupon , Facebook , Twitter etc. to get exposer.
9: SEO (search engine optimization).Try to use relevant keywords for your post. Place yourself as a searcher and think what you would write in the search box for a particular topic.
Accordingly, use relevant keywords to drive traffic and increase your blog traffic.
10: Visit Blogs of the same interest as yours and try to participate in forums interacting with people of relevant interest. This will help to drive traffic back to your blog.
11: Guest blogging, is a way of letting people know your talent and sharing your ideas. Write a guest post in other well-established blogs/popular blogs.
More popular is the blog, more traffic they will send to your blog, and increase your blog traffic. But remember some blogs do not allow guests to post.
12: Using optimized Images with the right keywords(alt-tag images) is a good idea. People do not search for content alone these days, they search for images too.
13: Help yourself too, promote your blog via E-mail, include your blog URL in your E-mail as a signature, include that in your visiting cards, business cards etc.
14: Open accounts in social networking sites like FACEBOOK, TWITTER etc. make friends in these sites, get your blog networked with these sites for automatic updates whenever you publish a post. Remember these social sites are a powerful source to get visitors.
15: And of course spread by word of mouth, tell your friends, relatives, colleagues to visit your blog
16: Last but not the least, have patience, don’t expect just because you tried all these tips and you don’t get visitors.
Remember there are millions of blogs like yours and mine, it takes time to become visible, sooner or later it will be, so just go on doing what you do best, success will follow.
My Personal Comments: The above tips are in no way numbered as per importance, all tips are equally important. However, the first TIP is the most important (I feel).
Stick to your topic, you may write on more than one topic but categorize them properly. So your visitors do not get confused.
Whatever you write, post regularly, that’s very important. Don’t expect that, just by publishing a few post your blog will stand out, NO ! it does not work that way, if you want your blog reader to come back, write frequently.
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Hello! I am Ben Jamir, Founder, and Author of this blog Tipsnfreeware. I blog about computer tips & tricks, share tested free Software’s, Networking, WordPress tips, SEO tips. If you like my post /Tips then please like and share it with your friends.
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Hai Anonymous (wish you had a name)Thanks for visiting my Blog. I dropped in to your Blog too, nice and clean lay out, which is really important. But your About me page is empty, I suggest you write something about you,I have observed quite a number of blog visitors do check in the authors page too. Do enable Comment option too, I could not comment. Good luck.Visit again.