Last updated on May 22nd, at 11:56 am
If you are looking to trace any mobile number, owner name, and location in India then here’s the complete step-by-step procedure for tracing mobile number, location, and address for any network.
There are many apps and websites to trace mobile number owner name and location. But I have found, these two sites, as most accurate, to trace any mobile number owner name and Location.
Of all the technological advancements, Mobile communication is one of the greatest inventions for mankind. Mobile phones help you to contact anyone instantly anywhere in the world.
But along with all the goodness, there is an evil side to it. Mobile technology can be used for any criminal purposes too. Unwanted calls, harassment, intimidation, etc.
You could use a Call blocker app, but that won’t help you to trace the mobile number.
If you have faced such situations, getting calls from unknown numbers. Don’t worry, there is a way to trace mobile number owner name and location too. This will give you enough information to investigate further.
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How to Trace Mobile Number Owner Name and Location
First Go to this site
Enter the Mobile number in the Phone Number box. Then click on the Search Button. You will be asked to Sign in.
The best thing is you can Sign in with any of these accounts, Facebook, Yahoo account, Google account, or Microsoft account.
Once you sign in with any of these accounts. It searches its 1.6 billion numbers in its database and displays all the information about that Mobile number.
It even shows the Picture of the Mobile user, if the owner has submitted a Photo while procuring the SIM card.
One thing I have observed if the user’s Mobile phone is connected to the internet or the GPS is activated on the Phone. The Mobile tracking is more precise and is displayed in the Google Map with an accuracy of 20 to 50 meters.
If your phone is connected to the Internet and you get a call from an unknown caller, the true caller app instantly displays the name and address of the caller.
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This app works so fast that it hardly takes a second or so to trace the caller name and location and displays it on your phone screen.
Download for free True caller for iOS and Android is another site to trace any mobile number in the most sophisticated way. Uses the latest technology and can show details like name, location of the number, address of the owner, network operator name, and the regional information of the number in seconds.
Their search results also include if the mobile number is active and the registered complaints, if any. This service is free to use and it works throughout the country.
As claimed they do not collect any data from the user and show already available information on the internet, making it private and safe.
There are other methods and sites you may try the following sites.
1. Mobile Telephone Numbering in India. A bit confusing.
2. Trace/Track Mobile Location & Service provider ( India )
3. Mobile Number and Phone Location App for Android.

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