Last updated on September 28th, at 10:21 pm
How to use the software after the Trial period is Over? There are many makers who allow you to use their product (the full version) for a specific period (mostly a month).
This trial period allows you to evaluate their product. This period is the Trial period. After the trial period is over, the product (here we are referring to a software) stops working.
If you are using any trial software, but can not afford to buy. Here is a small tool with which you can use the software again and again, even after the trial period is over.
How about using the software after the trial period, is over?
There are simple as well as tricky ways to use the software after the trial period. There are special software to monitor the installation process of the trial software. These tools track the modifications done by the Software’s installation, to modify later.
On the other hand, you can just uninstall and reinstall the software again. Clean the registry, to remove all entries made by the software. Then re-install the software (not a good idea) cause most of the time it does not work.
But here is a very small software which monitors a trial software installation. And allows you to do date alterations so that you can use the software after the trial period again and again.
TIME STOPPER is such a utility, a very small program. This tool can effectively eliminate the time limit of a Trial software usage period. This allows you to use software after trial period
This software works with any software executable file (.exe). It can extend the trial period time of the program for an unlimited amount of time.

How to use Time Stopper
Download and install the software ( download link given at the end of this post)
Time stopper is easy to install and use. You just have to start the program and browse for the executable file of the trialware which is usually located at (C: program files).
Once Time stopper loads the executable file, just select a new installation date and your program Trial period automatically gets extended to another 30 or 90 days (depending on the Trialware time limit).
This way you can use the software after the trial period, forever.
The Best part is, this software Time stopper will not modify the time and date of the operating system, so it’s safe to use.
Please Note: Time Stopper will stop the trial time when it is used. If the trial period has already ended, it is of no use to use Time Stopper as it will not be able to reverse the time.
Some FAQs from the makers of this utility:
1: Will it be harmful to my system?
No. When you stop the time of a trial version using this Time Stopper, it will change the trial date according to your desire. Real-time & date run normally on your system. It will never harm your system.
2: How many try-out versions can I use at the same time?
You can use any number of try-out version software
3: Can I use it with plug-ins?
No. It’s only for .exe files, we will try to develop with the future version for plug-in.
Download the latest version of Time Stopper.
NOTE: This post is for educational purposes only. If you are using a Trialware and you like it please buy the software and support the makers of the software.

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