Last updated on August 8th, at 04:49 pm
Want to grow your organic traffic? Looking for SEO techniques that’ll increase your rankings and send you free, qualified traffic? Try these 10 proven tactics to improve SEO and drive more organic traffic
SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is a vast topic. Search engine optimization is always evolving, so you can’t rely on old tactics.
In this post, I will share 10 Effective Techniques that Works, how to improve your SEO ranking. All these tips can be implemented easily, without writing new content.
As a blogger and content writer where do you focus all your time and effort when you’re trying to improve the ranking of your website?
Bloggers mostly focus on “keywords” I’m not saying keywords are less important, but there are more tactics if you want to improve SEO ranking.
Did you know that in SERP the top 5 results that show up in Google search result, get 65% to 70% of all clicks?
The statistic shows that 75% of searchers people won’t even click on the second page of the search results.
So if your page not so up on the first page of search results, you are losing a good number of organic traffic.
There is no shortage of SEO tips on the internet.
Try your self, if you type SEO tactics or tips, you will find thousands of search results on SEO. This proves how SEO is so important.
Fortunately, it’s never too late to get started. There are certain things you can do to increase your chances of getting ranked higher on Google searches.
Page Contents
Here are 10 effective SEO tactics To Improve SEO Ranking
1: Improve your page loading speed
Page loading time is one of the most important factors to improve SEO ranking. Not only Google but all search engines pay a lot of importance on page loading time.
Preferably a web page should load within 2 seconds up to 3 seconds max.
If your blog or website is hosted in WordPress than you have solved half of your problem.
WordPress is one CMS (content management system) where for everything you have plugins to do the job for you.
Check out: 3 Best WordPress site speed optimization plugins
The most important of them all is cache plugin.These cache plugin can really improve your page loading time. I am not going to write in details here, what a cache plugin do.
There are two very popular cache plugin W3 total cache and WP Super cache.
Its individual preference which cache plugin to use. W3 Total cache is highly rated but difficult to setup for beginers. Wp Super cache another very popular cache plugin is easy to set up best of its FREE.
I have also written a post on 10 easy ways to Speed up a WordPress site in few minutes, yes in few minutes. Give it a try.
2: Optimize your images for faster loading
It is said, “A Picture speaks louder than words”. It’s true and you do need to have images related to the article that you write.
But remember images are the major contributors to size increment of a given web page. The trick is to reduce the size of the images without compromising on the quality.
You should optimize images before uploading or install a free Image optimization plugin.
Remember search engines can not see your images, so always create proper alt tags for images and also write description on the alt tags. Alt tags should contain your focus keywords.
3: Maintain Internal Inks between your posts
If you are writing articles that match, don’t forget to link each other. Internal linking is very important, it helps search bots to crawl your site in depth.
This will not only increase your readers engagements but will also help search engine to find your blog pages.
While interlinking your blog post always use proper anchor text (linking text). Don’t just write as get more details “Here” or “There”.
4: Use Rel-Nofollow Tag when linking to external link
Use rel=”nofollow” tag when linking your page to a external source or to a low value links so as not to pass the page rank juice.
rel=”nofollow” tag was created as a way to tell the search engines that, though you are linking to an external site or page, you are not endorsing the destination site.
for example if you are linking to site, the link would appear like this
<a href=””>Text that links</a>
After adding rel=nofollow the same link would be like this.
<a rel=”nofollow” href=””>Text that links</a>
5: Improve content to increase Readers stay time and engagement
Try to write useful content, what ever may be your niche. Visitors tend to stay longer on your website if your article is informative and useful to them, therefore increase the readers stay time.
Search engines loves meaningful contents, so content between 2,000 – 2,500 words long, seems to rank the highest in search engine results.
Don’t get fixed to this, word count doesn’t rule the SEO world – nobody will read your stuff that long if it’s not helpful to them.
But longer content does give you the opportunity to provide more value, include more keywords, incorporate more outbound links, and of course, get people to spend more time reading to increase stay time.
6: Write as if you are talking to the person
When writing any article keep your audience in mind. No body wants to read articles which uses too many technical terms that many readers may not even understand.
Try to write in simple words, imagine your reader and write as if you are talking to them.
7: Use the right font for your website:
Do not use fancy fonts. Using rare fancy fonts may look nice on your computer screen, but remember if your reader does not have that font installed on their system, your blog page will break.
The very purpose of writing the article will fail miserably.
Here you can find a list of best fonts that you can use on your blog or website. 99% of these fonts are usually installed in every computer around the world.
8: Fix any broken links within your article:
Like I said above (no.3) having internal links within your articles is great for improving SEO ranking.
But if for any reason you modify the permalink of your linked article page, it will give a 404 error.
This will have a negative SEO effect. Make sure that all your internal links are in order.
There is very good WordPress plugin which checks your internal links and points out all broken links which you can rectify.
9: Research for your target audience.
Use Google analytic to find your target audience and most searched keywords. And accordingly modify your site contents.
In case you missed: How To Host Google Analytics Locally In WordPress
Use the exact keywords in the title, tags, focus keyword and anchor text for any internal link, that is linked to another post or page on your blog.
Use hyphens (-) between words, this improves readability instead of using ( _ ) under score.
10: Use of Question mark in Post Title
Some experts suggests the use of “?” at the end of your post title. This is on the assumption that most people using search engines are looking for solutions to solve their problems with questions.
For example the search could be like “ how to make blah blah blah ?” the “blah blah” here could be your keyword, so a searcher is most likely to click on your post title.
Check out: How To Write SEO Friendly Title Tag ! Best Practices
The list for tips on how to improve SEO ranking can grow. But these are the 10 simple Tips to improve SEO ranking. Yes I Know, there are plenty more complex SEO tips to improve ranking.
But these tips can be implemented by anyone, novice or expert for better SEO ranking.

Hello! I am Ben Jamir, Founder, and Author of this blog Tipsnfreeware. I blog about computer tips & tricks, share tested free Software’s, Networking, WordPress tips, SEO tips. If you like my post /Tips then please like and share it with your friends.