Last updated on August 1st, at 01:57 pm
Have you ever wanted to track a specific flight in real time Live ?. Real time flight tracking live, is really interesting. More so when your loved ones is on a specific flight and you want to track the course of the flight in real time. From take off to landing.
I wanted to track a Air India Flight when my daughter left for Delhi. I searched the net, Googled for sometime. Did find quite a few sites offering real time flight tracking, live. But most of them provided me with just the location of the flight, the flight path and approximate time of arrival, etc, etc.
Not satisfied, because I wanted to see the flight in motion, actually as a moving object on a map in real time. Better still on a real earth view live, so I could see the terrain below, like the ocean, mountains etc,
Finally,I found websites like the Aeroseek, Flightradar. Not bad, these sites too shows real time flight tracking, LIVE. But I found the interface a little confusing. Difficult to find and track Indian domestic flights.
Finally I came across this site FLIGHTAWARE. I found, the site has very friendly user interface. You can easily locate and track a flight, by just typing the name of the Airline, Flight number or search with the Airport code (if you know it).
After entering the above information, click on the Track Flight button. It just takes a couple of seconds to locate the flight on a map and show you Real time flight tracking ! Live.
Apart from showing you Real time flight tracking , Live. It also shows the following information about the flight you are tracking.
1. Status of the flight, whether still enroute, time remaining to reach the destination.
2. Aircraft information, whether Boeing or Airbus etc.
3. Speed of the Aircraft in kts.
4. Distance the flight has to cover.
It was really interesting to watch real time flight tracking, live on my laptop. I was glued to my laptop till the flight landed. Later I realized I sat there for more than two hours..and I didn’t know that.
Best of all, although it shows all flights within its radar live,( as shiwn in the images below) the flight you are tracking is displayed in white/ light blue colour. So you don’t get confused, with other Air-planes on its radar.
Next time when your loved ones fly..and you are free, just go to this SITE, enter the necessary information of the flight (just two infos name of airline and flight number) and watch the real time flight tracking, and know that the Aircraft has landed safely.
The location of the flight automatically gets updated every few seconds.
Posted By: Ben Jamir

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