Last updated on July 22nd, at 04:56 pm
How to configure Windows Live writer for Wordpress blogs. Windows Live writer is one of the best offline blogging software.To set up WLW for a blogger blog is simple and straight forward without any hassle, but needs a little work around to set it up and configure for wordpress blogs.
Windows live writer works seamlessly with Word Press and you can directly publish posts from your desktop. Before that I would recommend you to have a look at “5 reasons why a blogger should use windows live writer”
Step by step Guide to Set up and configure Windows Live writer for WordPress Blogs.
1. Before you configure windows live writer for wordpress blogs, you will need to enable XML-RPC publishing option in your word press blog.
To do that, log on to your word press blog as Admin and on the dashboard under the settings > writing > remote publishing > put a check mark on both the “ Enable atom publishing” and “Enable word press, movable type, meta weblog and blogger XML-RPC publishing protocols” as shown in this image. Than log out.
UPDATE: In the Latest Version of WordPress 3+ XML – RPC is enabled by default so you may no longer see the above options. Just follow the next steps.

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