Last updated on July 22nd, at 05:26 pm
Enhancer a DSP (Digital sound processing) plugin for Win Amp media player is still one of the best plugin. But Enhancer plugin had some compatibility issues with windows 7 and windows 8 and also with later versions of Winamp.
Winamp DSP plugin Enhancer gives you deep bass, crystal treble, a good auto volume control and a special volume boost technique.
We at TNF have already written a review of this magnificent DSP plugin ENHANCER to make your winamp sound even better, even on a budget speaker system. If you have a good Audio system, this plugin will make Winamp sound even better.
Enhancer Plugin Compatibility with windows 7 and 8
If you install win amp and Enhancer plugin, both gets installed in windows 7 and 8. But when you open win amp in windows 7 or 8, you get this error message “ Can’t access registry information”.
Just click on OK button win amp starts normally. You can start Enhancer plugin too configure the plugin and play your music. But the problem is every time you start winamp, windows displays the above error message.
On top of it your personal settings of Enhancer can not be saved. You need to set it every time you start winamp.
This issue of Enhancer plugin compatibility with windows 7 and 8, has been fixed with a small patch called “Winamp Audio Enhancer Wrapper ” .
Download and install it if you have faced this compatibility issue with windows 7 and windows 8. Just follow the instructions and click next button, it gets installed in the default winamp directory.
Download Win Amp Audio Enhancer Wrapper and solve issues with Winamp Enhancer Plugin Compatibility With Windows 7 and 8 .

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