Last updated on August 6th, at 05:54 pm
A FREE windows Monitoring tool, Winpatrol is one of the best system monitoring tool. WinPatrol is small tool which sits quietly and watches over your computer for any changes that a program tries to make. Warns you on time, to take the right decision.
Win Patrol is neither a anti virus , anti spyware nor a anti malware program. Its your systems watch dog.
It monitors your system areas that are often altered by malicious programs. Win patrol instantly alerts you if it detects any changes.
This is a free security utility that serves as a virtual Dog for your Windows PC. Gives you the confidence to surf the internet without fear of getting hijacked by spyware or Malware.
WinPatrol is a effective computer monitoring software. Its tabbed interface allows you to explore deep in to your system, without needing you to be an expert.
WinPatrol also controls start up programs, lets you control and un-install “Internet explorer Helpers” also known as BHO (Browser helper objects). BHOs are useful IE extensions that add functionality to IE.
But unfortunately there are also more ad ware BHOs, which are hard to detect.
If you get too many pop ups when you start Internet Explorer, than these are signs of BHOs. Some of which are capable of downloading Trojans and programs you didn’t ask for.
WinPatrol warns you of all these activities going on your system behind the scene and alerts you before the damage is done.
This tool constantly scans your system for any changes.
WinPatrol “Scotty Dog” the (programs logo), sits quietly in your windows status bar barks and its alert window opens with information’s, and asks for your permission to allow or to block.
WinPatrol is a Computer monitoring software, every computer user should have
Download the Latest FREE Version of “WIN PATROL”

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