Last updated on December 30th, at 06:24 pm
Facebook is worlds biggest, popular and a great social networking platform.
But than its also the most attacked and targeted by hackers worldwide. Once hacked, hackers can post anything on your timeline, without your knowledge. It could be derogatory comments, racial comments, hate speeches, Photoshoped pictures you uploaded etc. It could be a nightmare for you,imagine if your Facebook account is hacked ? And you don’t want that to happen.
So here are 9 Tips to keep your Facebook account safe
1: Turn on Login Alerts ! This is very Important…

This is a security alert that should be enabled. This will alert you when your Facebook account is accessed from a new device. Not only that, there are sites who allows you to log in, either with your Facebook account or Google account. You may log out of that site, but you may still be logged in in your FB, if you have used that.
To enable this in your account click on settings > on the left panel click on Security > than click on Login alerts to edit, and enable for notification via E-mail. You can also use a universal security key. You can also disable it, which is not recommended.
2: Enable Login Approvals

Under Security > click on Login approvals. Here you can enable Two-Factor Authentication. For example opt for Text message(SMS). For which you will have to submit your Phone number. This acts as a two factor Authentication, adding an extra layer of security to prevent other people from logging in to your account.
3: For security use App Passwords

There was a time when rogue Facebook apps, used to spam users and even hijacked accounts. But now Facebook has implemented a number of safety protocols to ensure security.
App passwords are OTP (one time passwords) which you use to log in to your apps. To enable this security feature, under security, click on App passwords > Generate App passwords. You can name apps for which you want to generate app passwords.
To avoid such security problems, it is advised that you carefully review permissions granted to the Facebook app before installing.
Because applications may use a number of permissions and it is best to limit your applications to those that you actually use and trust.
4: Change your Facebook passwords as often as possible
This is one security feature many FB users just ignores. But if you have enabled the notification feature and you get alert somebody accessing your Facebook account (not you) or you start seeing weird posts or messages on your timeline. Chances are, your FB account has been compromised. The first thing to do is to change your password ASAP. Make sure that your password is strong, use combination of upper case, lower case, numbers,characters etc.
5: Be careful of what information you share on Facebook

The information that you casually share on your Facebook timeline may appear harmless.But these infos are what hackers look for.
Just for example your Birthday date. This piece of information is used as a security question by many websites, if happen to forget the password. Disclosing this will put you in great risk, because you may have already disclosed this date in many website accounts. For better security Turn off Tagging feature in your Timeline and tagging.
Also see How to detect Fake Facebook Profile
6: Don’t Forget to Log Out of Facebook
Even if you are in a hurry don’t forget to log out of your Facebook account. This will prevent threats, such as Likejacking that leverage logged in sessions to Facebook
What is Likejacking ? this is a form of clickjacking or in other words the malicious technique of tricking users in to posting a status update for a site they did not intentionally mean to “Like”
So after a user click on the link, users are asked to “click here to continue”. The page that may follow contains a clickjacking worm
7: Do not allow Browsers to “Remember Password”
This is a personal choice. If your computer is password protected, this option can be ignored. But if your PC is used by family member’s or your friends, its best to disable browsers to remember your log in credentials.
Reason ! you may have logged out of Facebook, but the browser still remembers and store your log in ID and password. Hackers can easily retrieve this information from the browser. And the person can easily accessed, so beware.
8: Do Not use unnecessary Apps:
It is best to avoid untrusted or third party apps to get funny. These funny apps can be a cause of your lost account. Because these apps asks for access to your FB account and when you allow to access, they can access your personal information like email id, It can help to hackers to hack your Facebook Id.
Remember many of those apparently harmless smiley’s we use could have hidden codes which get all your information’s.
9: Don’t Click on suspicious Link:
Use good quality security software, like anti-virus, anti-malware to protect from key-logger or remote access Trojan (RAT). If you find any suspicious link or Naked or porn video link on your timeline, delete it immediately and change password.
These are just a few security to keep your Facebook account Safe.
Facebook is here to stay, enjoy your Facebook networking…..Just play safe.

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