Last updated on June 5th, at 05:06 pm
Google Adsense is one of the most popular ways to monetize your website for free. But you also need to make sure you’re following everything by their rule book. A single mistake, and you risk getting banned. Here is the list of top 9 AdSense ads violations you should be aware of and stay clear.
This article assumes that your Blog/ website has been approved for Google AdSense. If your blog is yet to be approved for AdSense, then you can read our step by step guide on “How to get your Blog approved for Google AdSense”
Page Contents
8 AdSense ads violations you should be aware of
1:Invalid Clicks/ clicking your own Ads
This is one of the biggest mistakes many bloggers do and is one of the main reasons where the Google AdSense account gets into the zone for disqualification.
Many bloggers usually ask their friends and family members to click on their ads. Some click on their own ads from a different IP address.
But Google is much smarter than you may think, if they detect (which they do) they put your account in disable mode so you don’t earn any money.
If it continues, your account gets banned. This can be considered as one of the most common causes of AdSense ads violations.
In case you missed: 3 Highest Earning Google AdSense Ad Placement You Must Try
2: Attaching ads on E-mail
Some webmasters follow this trend of attaching or embedding AdSense code within E-mail. This is against Google AdSense program policy and a sure way of violating Google AdSense terms of service.
3: Encouraging Clicks
Some bloggers use AdSense code with tricks like “click here” enticing the reader to see some items like hot babes, bikini girls, sexy posters, etc.
Some bloggers use the trick to show a pop-up window with Ad-sense code, forcing the reader to click to close the window, in order to see the rest of the page.
It’s a big NO, and a sure way of getting your Ad Sense account banned for good for violating Google AdSense terms of service.
Check out: Google AdSense Not Showing On Some Pages Blank Ads
4: Other contextual advertisements
There are many contextual advertisements you can display on your blog, just make sure that they do not violate Google AdSense policies.
Though there are many other ad networks that you can use to monetize your blog like Infolinks, BuySellads etc. Just read every ad company’s policy before implementing it on your blog.
5: Manipulating AdSense Code
You may be a programmer or a good coder. Don’t ever think of changing or manipulating AdSense code in any way. Why? placing AdSense ad images near a blog image shaded to blend with the blog page images can be a smart way of getting some clicks.
But then as I said earlier Google is smarter than you may think. Do it and you break Google TOS.
6: Placing Ads on 404 Error Pages
Many publishers overlook this, for example, 404 error pages, Unsubscribe page, and Thank you page. You might think, any opportunity to have the ads displayed is great, right? Wrong! You could be banned by Google for this.
What Google says about these pages! since these pages typically have little or no content, displaying ads here spell deception. Your visitors may think the ads are your website’s content and click on them.
Remember, using any tactics that encourage unintentional clicks is not allowed.
7: Lack of Privacy Policy Page
You have a Blog or a website and if you’re planning to display Google Adsense, a Privacy Policy page is mandatory.
Your privacy policy page should clearly state that your website uses browsing cookies and conducts other means to collect user information in order to display contextual ads.
8: Distributing Copyright Materials
If your site hosts and distribute copyright materials like Movies, Songs, Photos and you run AdSense on your site. Be ready for an instant ban from Google AdSense.
9: Do not link to sites you should not
Never ever link your blog to sites that distribute illegal pirated software, Keygen sites, Torrent sites, Porn or adult materials, Racial content, hacking or cracking sites, sites that sell banned drugs, anything that’s not legal.
You will be better off avoiding linking your blog to these sites.
For example, if you have a website about music videos and it contains copyrighted videos, you should avoid serving ads via Adsense on your site. This rule applies to all copyrighted content whether they are videos, images, music and others.
Here’s the list of things to avoid linking to:
:: Adult content
:: Content that advocates against an individual, group, or organization
:: Excessive profanity
:: Copyrighted material
:: Gambling or casino-related content
:: Drug, alcohol, and tobacco-related content
:: Sales of promotion of prescription drugs
:: Hacking and cracking content
:: Sites that offer compensation programs (“pay-to” sites)
:: Sites that use Google Brand features
:: Violent content
:: Weapon-related content
:: Counterfeit goods
:: Underage, non-consensual, or illegal acts
Don’t forget that this rule applies to your entire site, not just to individual pages.
Additionally, just as serving ads through Adsense on prohibited content is not allowed, so also linking to other sites with illegal content.
You May Like to Know How Many Google Adsense We can Display In A Single Post.
1. Tips for best Google AdSense placement.
2. 2 Best Google AdSense Plugin for word press.
3. How to change the color of Google AdSense ads.

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