Last updated on September 2nd, at 08:00 pm
Download managers (software) make the process of downloading from the internet, whether its a software, movie files, not only makes it simpler and easier but also offers better management options which can include faster downloads, resume broken downloads, etc.
In this post, we will share the top 2 free Internet Download manager to make your download hassle-free, no more broken downloads.
You must have faced this ugly situation, when you are almost done your net connection goes down, power failure, or your download seem to last forever stuck at 98%.
With these dedicated internet download manager, you can download anytime, pause, and resume your download without any problem.
Top two free internet download manager
1: Free Download Manager (FDM)
Free download manager (FDM) is open-source software and a very popular download manager.
This is a free internet download manager distributed under a GPL license. A very powerful and easy to use free download accelerator and manager.
Features of FDM
1. Free download manager (FDM) can accelerate your download speed by 600%. FDM splits files into sections and then downloading them simultaneously.
FDM can resume any broken downloads so you needn’t start download from the beginning.
This is a very important feature as many times due to link failure or power cuts downloads get interrupted, but FDM can resume your download from that exact point where it was stopped.
2. A new feature in the latest version of FDM is its ability to download files using Bit Torrent protocol. For those of you who frequently download the files like movies, games, software’s via torrent files,this is an added feature that you will definitely like.
3. Another new feature in the latest version of FDM is its ability to download videos from sites, such as Youtube, Google Video etc. The downloaded video can be saved in native .flv format or converted to one or more popular video formats.
In addition to above features FDM, free internet download manager, allows you to, adjust traffic usage, you can schedule your downloads.
So that you can download files when your computer is inactive, thereby allowing FDM to utilize the full bandwidth to download your files in a jiffy.
One very important and interesting feature of FDM , is that you can read the comments and reviews of what other community members say about the particular file you are going to download.
You can also leave your comment. With this feature, you are always warned about the status of the file and many times save you from downloading useless or malicious files.
Download Free Download Manager (FDM)
Flashget is a very popular free internet download manager and has the highest number of users on the internet. Flashget can resume your download from that exact point when it was interrupted.
Flashget uses MHT(Multi-server Hyper-threading Transportation) technique and supports various protocols.
This free software is specially designed to address two of the most important issues when downloading a file SPEED and management of downloaded files.
Flashget has the ability to split files up to 10 parts, categorize files and automatically search for the fastest server available.
You can also Schedule your download or queue your download thereby optimizing your bandwidth usage.
Those of you who download files via torrent, Flashget won’t let you down, Flashget can download torrent files also.
Flash get is a free internet download manager with No Ad ware and Spyware.
Flashget can call your installed Anti-virus automatically to scan your downloaded files.
This is a must have software and is completely free.
Download Flashget

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CHEAP WEBHOSTING: Thanks for visiting .Yes I agree of the two download managers ,I personally am using FDM(Free downlaod manager). No broken download so far.