Last updated on September 12th, at 02:43 pm
Most of us don’t have the time, or the patience, to wait long for our phone batteries to recharge. Mobile phone users are an impatient lot, and most of us don’t want to spend hours waiting with our phone plugged in for charging.
Here are 6 tips for charging Battery faster
You may have faced this situation when your smartphone battery is down to 20% and you just don’t have time to charge it.
Here are 6 TIPS on how you can charge phone battery faster. Have 20 minutes to spare? try these methods, it will charge the phone battery faster. Enough to let you use your phone, till you get to the next power outlet.
Charge Battery Faster
1: Turn off Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, GPS, or any other App that requires data connections.
2: If you have a Dual SIM phone. And if one of the SIMs networks is poor or absent. Turn off that SIM from phone SIM card settings.
Poor or no network makes the phone constantly searching for a signal, thereby draining the battery fast.
3: Do not charge your phone battery through Laptop with a USB connector. That’s the slowest method. While plugging your phone into the USB port on your laptop or computer can be a convenient way to charge in certain situations, like while waiting in an airport or doing a bit of work at the local cafe, it certainly isn’t the most efficient.
4: Charge your Phone from a regular AC (mains) power outlet. This will charge the phone battery faster. AC outlet guarantees a stronger amp allowing more power and speeding up the charging process.
5: Better still keep your phone in Airplane mode, this will help faster charging. You can access the Airplane mode by long pressing on the power off button, on your phone, or by swiping down in the notification area.
6: Switch off your phone : Finally, go ahead and turn your phone off. It may sound unacceptable to many, but it does make sense. Any battery power being used to keep the phone on and operational will take that much longer to charge the battery.
Tip number 6 is more of an individual choice, but when using it as a best practice, and pairing it with other tips, you can significantly diminish the amount of time spent waiting on your phone’s battery full charging.
I am sure these TIPS will help you next time you find your battery down and you need to charge the battery faster.

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