Last updated on May 10th, at 10:03 am
Download the latest Trojan remover software and protect your computer against Trojans and other types of malware with the best Trojan remover.
What is a TROJAN?
A TROJAN is a self-contained, malicious program. What does it mean? A TROJAN is a software by itself a malicious code that is intended to do something bad to your computer.
It may gain excess to your computer without your knowledge by getting embedded in another software that you install.TROJAN’s don’t replicate itself (as a worm would do). Nor does it infect other files like a VIRUS would do.
However, Trojans are often grouped with viruses and worms, to have a more devastating effect on the machine. Trojans are most often used to gain backdoor access to the computer remotely.
There are different types of TROJANS, for example, trojans and KeyloggRemote –access Trojans (RAT), Backdoor Trojans, IRC ers.
A single Trojan may have all these characteristics. Just for an example a Key logger trojan that also operates as a backdoor commonly gets disguised as a Game hack used by the Gamers as hack tools.
When a user executes a Trojan, it may give a Hacker remote excess to a targeted machine or a computer system, thereby allowing the hacker to gain access and perform all kinds of operations.
For example
- Electronic Money theft
- Data theft (retrieving passwords, credit card info, etc)
- Installing third party malware
- Downloading or uploading of files on the user’s computer
- Keystroke logging, Watching the user’s screen
- Crashing the computer. and many more, it all depends on the code written for what purpose.
Sounds scary right! TROJAN REMOVER is a software specifically designed to disable/remove Malware without the user having to manually edit system files or the registry.
The majority of the Antivirus programs are good at detecting Trojans and Malware but not always good at effectively removing it.
TROJAN REMOVER can effectively detect and remove Malware, Trojan horses, Adware, Spyware when standard anti-virus software either fails to detect them or if detects can not effectively eliminate them.
Trojan remover effectively scans all files at boot time for Adware, Spyware, Remote access Trojans, Internet worms, and other malware. On top of it, TROJAN REMOVER also examines all the system files, the Windows registry and the program files loaded at boot time since the majority of malicious programs(once triggered) loads this way.
Trojan Remover also checks to see if Windows loads Services which are hidden by Rootkit techniques and warns you if it finds any.
Most modern Malware programs are memory-resident, which makes their de-activation more difficult, Trojan remover when it finds a memory-resident malware it automatically restarts (on request) your system and completely Disables the Malware before windows start.
TROJAN REMOVER is compatible with Windows 2000/XP/Vista/Windows 7,8.1 and 10
Drive Scan Window
With TROJAN REMOVER you can scan the whole drive or any Directory or individual file from the main Trojan remover window. It has integrated updater which keeps your database updated regularly.

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