Last updated on May 15th, at 05:15 pm
What size of Ad units to use ? What are the best performing Google AdSense Ad sizes ? One of the most common questions beginners ask after signing up with Google AdSense, to maximize their blogs earning.
Google AdSense program offers ads in multiple sizes and formats. If you are not too sure which of these AdSense sizes will perform best on your website, this article should be of help.
It’s true that not only the placement of Google AdSense is important. The Ad size that you display in your blog or website is equally important, to increase CTR.
We must know that there is no single golden rule that fits all. Since every website is unique, likewise Google AdSense size will also differ from site to site.
So please do an experiment on which Ad size works best for your website. What we will be discussing below is the general rule of thumb.
A suggestion which should help you to choose the best performing Google AdSense Ad sizes, for your blog or website.
Best Performing Google AdSense Ad Sizes
According to opinion from bloggers worldwide, the most popular ad blocks are :
160×600 tower size banner ad for the sidebar Ads.
728×90 Leaderboard size best placement for the header or below navigation bar.
But remember it will depend on your Template/Theme size. But if your Theme allows, use these block size Ads for best performance.
It’s been observed that wider ad sizes tend to perform better than taller Ad size. Reason? due to their reader-friendly format.
Wider AdSense sizes allow readers to comfortably read more text at a glance without having to skip a line. And naturally, return to the left margin every few words.
So if positioned well, as per Best Google AdSense Placement. Wide ad sizes can increase your earnings significantly.
Top-performing Rectangle Ads
The sizes found to be the most effective are the 336×280 large rectangle, the 300×250 medium rectangle, placed either in the sidebar or inside the content area after the second paragraph preferably.
But keep in mind that while these ad sizes typically perform well, you must use the size that best fits and complements your pages.
If your site does not allow you to place large Ad sizes, we recommend you to use smaller Ad sizes like 468 x 15 or 728 x 15 (Text links only) as these Ads sizes are versatile enough to fit in locations where normal ads don’t.
See also our tip for 3 Highest Earning Google AdSense Ad Placement You Must Try

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