Last updated on June 23rd, at 03:09 pm
There are plenty of articles written on this topic WordPress Anti-spam plugins combinations. If you own a website then you must well aware of spam comments.
I have had my share of spamming on my site Tipsnfreeware and would like to share my first-hand experience in dealing with comment spammers.
For some reason, it appears blogs hosted on WordPress are more prone to spamming, especially automated spamming.
A spammer can both humans or bots, who use multiple methods to access the websites.So here is a list of two best WordPress Anti-spam plugins combination, that I use on my site.
Both of these WordPress Anti-spam plugins, work in uniquely different ways to stop bots and spammers dead on their tracks.
The winning combinations of WordPress Anti-spam plugins.
1: Antispam Bee
It’s a very simple Anti-Spam plugin, simple in design too. But a very effective too especially to defeat automated spambots.
Antispam Bee is a simple and free spam protection plugin. It is free of charge, ad-free and 100% GDPR compliant.
It doesn’t require you to register or set up an account, just install the plugin and you’ll be set. To filter out spam this plugin compares spam requests to an existing spam database, uses IP address checks, and Gravatar validating, etc.
Antispam Bee is the only solution you need to eliminate spam comments and trackbacks effectively. Antispam Bee is straightforward to use and is also GDPR compliant.
This is another very popular WordPress Anti Spam plugin. This WordPress plugin works in a different way.
Akismet anti-spam plugin comes pre-installed on every WordPress site you create. All you have to do is activate the plugin and connect to your Akismet account via an API key. Once connected, Akismet kicks in immediately, helping you to stop spam using complex algorithms and rules.
Akismet checks your comments against the Akismet web service to see if they look like spam or not and also lets you review the comment (spam) that it catches.
You can review the comment and unspam a comment if you think it was wrongly graded as spam. There are quite a few options that you can configure on the Akismet plugin settings page.
For example how many links a comment can have. By default and the safer number is just two links, anything more than that is caught by Akismet as spam.
But Akismet can never be always right. I found that many of my regular commentators have been flagged as spammers by Akismet.
And this is the reason why we use Antispam bee and Akismet a winning combination as WordPress Anti Spam plugins.
So these are the two best combinations Anti Spam plugin, that I use on my site. And believe me, these two works wonder, so I can relax without a doubt that all spams will be caught.

Hello! I am Ben Jamir, Founder, and Author of this blog Tipsnfreeware. I blog about computer tips & tricks, share tested free Software’s, Networking, WordPress tips, SEO tips. If you like my post /Tips then please like and share it with your friends.