Last updated on July 28th, at 07:16 pm
How long does your blog page take, to load? Think yourself as a internet user,how long would you wait for the page to fully ? Many users usually skips and and go for the second choice in the search result.
Web pages that loads slowly is one of the biggest reason for reduce traffic and lower PR. If your page load time is more than 4 to 6 seconds traffic (visitors) to your Blog will fall drastically.
Templates for Bloggers, there is no shortage of Templates ,its available for free almost everywhere ,all you need to do is google.
Some or most of the Templates are really very beautiful to look at with all the latest gadgets included in the Template XML file. But what is important to you ? the colorful template loaded with gadgets or a clean and elegant looking templates that loads faster, not disappointing your readers.
Just remember most of the Internet surfers are an impatient lot,they can not wait forever for your page to load even if your post may have good stuff.
Keeping all this in mind, A blogger should choose a Template which not only looks clean, has all the necessary gadgets (More the gadgets longer will be the loading time) and loads faster.
In my Blogging carrier as a blogger I have installed and tried quite a few free blogger Templates, many disappointed me, some were either overloaded with gadgets, some with too many CSS features (designs), not SEO friendly, and slow loading.
Whenever you choose a Template, think as a visitor of the web site, do you really need all those fancy looking gadgets in your side bar ? your visitor wants to read your article and not look at those gadgets filling up your side- bars.
Use only the most essential gadgets, like the labels, Popular post, Recent post, Related post etc. to keep your reader engaged in our site.
That was a lot of talk, here are the TOP 5 FREE Blogger Templates for you to download and use
1. Tech Box Template (Free Blogger Templates)
This is a Magazine type three column blogger Template with simple white and color designed by Technology tricks, converted to blogger by free blogger template.You can look at the Demo and Download if you like it.
2. MASH 2 Blogger Template.(Free blogger templates)
Template Features
- New big size banner at the header with size 728×90
- Latest post in big size (Inspired from Mashable)
- Small thumbnails with grabs the image automatically and crops it
- Cool page navigation to give Mashable feel to the navigation
- Related post box at the end of every post
- Subscribe Widget
- Many more features
Magazeen is a free premium blogger template adapted from Word Press with 2 columns, right sidebar, magazine-styled, fresh look and rounded corners.
Excellent layout for blogs about entertainment or fashion.
4. COVENANT Blogger Template.
Covenant is a Professional Blogger Template,converted from the Word press. This Template has all the things you expect in a Template, clean looking with clean open posting, Navigation Bar, Search Box and RSS feed,Twitter widgets etc.
5.Zinmag Remedy Blogger Template.
ZINEMAG: This is another Blogger Template, adopted from word press. It’s a 3 column Template,Magazine styled. Web2.0 design and with slide show. This has a excellent layout suited for culture,entertainment blog or any other type.
These are Five free blogger templates, I like and recommend, if you are using free templates.If you enjoyed this Post, Please consider leaving a comment or Subscribing to the FEED to have future articles delivered to your feed reader.
You may like to Know: Fastest Loading Blogger Template

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