Last updated on November 19th, at 10:58 am
Page Contents
Key Points
- You can easily manage your Active Status on Facebook for privacy.
- Appearing offline is possible even when you’re using Facebook.
- Control your visibility on Facebook’s website, mobile app, and Messenger.
- Choose to appear offline to everyone or just specific people.
- Managing your Active Status enhances your Facebook experience.
Why you may want to hide status?
In today’s world, to remain connected through social media is a good thing.But sometimes, you might need a break.Facebook lets you manage your “active status.” You can use the Facebook platform without everyone seeing that you are online.
What is Active status on Facebook!
Active Status is a feature on Facebook. It lets your friends and contacts know when you are using Facebook or the Facebook Messenger app. If you are active (online), a green dot shows up next to your profile picture or name. This dot means you are available to chat or interact in real-time.
You might see thin green horizontal lines in the chat bubbles, too which means that the person is typing a message
Let’s look at how to appear offline on Facebook.
In case you missed: 9 Tips To Make Your Facebook Account Safe And Secure
How to hide your active status on Facebook messenger
Here is a simple step by step instruction, on how to hide your online status on Facebook chat. So, a particular friend or group of friends, or even everyone in your Facebook friends list, will not see your online status.
Step 1: Log in to your Facebook account. Once logged in, the Facebook chatbox on the right shows a green light next to a friend’s pic and name. Which means he or she is online.
Facebook also shows whether the person is connected with a Mobile phone or a PC (as Web).
Step 2:
At the top right of Facebook messenger. Click on the three-dotted line to bring up the messenger option box.
From the options, click on “Turn off active status“.
Step 3:
After you click that, you will be shown another box with three more options.
1: Turn off active status for all contacts.
This is a drastic step, you can take. Choosing this option will hide your online status on Facebook chat for all your Facebook contacts.
2:Turn off active status for all contacts except :
Here you can enter the name of your friend/friends with whom you want to chat and don’t want to hide your online status.
3: Turn off active status for only some contacts:
Option 2 and 3 are almost the same. Here you can selectively turn off your active status only for some contacts with whom you don’t want to chat or don’t want them to know that you are online and active.
After selecting any of the above options click on OK. to save your settings.
Your status in the Facebook messenger will be greyed out. And neither you nor any of your friends will be able to see that you are online.
However, at the bottom, you get the option “Turn on chat to see who’s available”. If you click on it, Facebook will show all friends who are online. And they will also see your online status.
This is a very good option, which you can turn on and off, instantly to Hide your online status on Facebook Chat.
Managing your active status on Facebook is very important because it helps you keep your online privacy and control when others can see you. Knowing how to turn your active status on or off allows you to use Facebook the way you want.
You get to decide when you look active and who can see that. This improves your overall experience with social media.

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