Last updated on July 13th, at 05:50 pm
Modern-day Android smartphones come with large batteries. But It doesn’t matter how big the battery in the smartphone is it doesn’t last as much as we want it to. Install the best free battery saver app for Android devices and extend battery life.
Battery life depends on the number of apps that run in the background and also on the usage pattern of every mobile phone user.
With the number of apps that are available, these apps also consume Batteries at different rates when they are in use.
Many users tend to blame the phone makers for the poor battery performance of a smartphone.
Without realizing the amount of multitasking that we do on our phones. Like sharing a photo in whats app, sending messages, at the same time listening to music.
Just think how effectively Android manages all these tasks but at the cost of your Battery life.
I have tested five different battery-saver apps for Android. Though they work but not up to the expectations.
But one App, Linpus Android Battery optimization app, is by far the most effective battery optimizer app for android.
Page Contents
Best free battery saver app for Android
Linpus Android Battery Optimizer is a fully-featured battery saver app for Android. With several stand-out features, that will satisfy any user.
While being very effective, it also has the most appealing user interface. This app intelligently monitors battery usage for each app.
Instantly updates the length of time you can use an app before the battery is drained. For example, if you want to watch a movie. The app looks at how much battery is left and estimates how many hours before the battery dies.
So you can plan if you can watch the whole movie, or you need to close other apps or charge.
Main Features of Linpus Android Battery Optimizer app
:: Displays battery health and temperature.
:: Time estimation and percentage for battery usage.
:: Shows time estimation and percentage for charging.
:: Shows battery life for different scenarios, e.g. standby, call, video & music playback, web surfing, and so on.
:: Supports the learning mechanism to adjust time estimation dynamically.
:: Can automatically disable wireless connectivity when your battery gets below a certain percentage

:: Supports fast charge, full charge, and trickle charge.
:: Show tips for different charging stages.
Battery Consumption:
:: Shows instant power consumption for each app with ranking.
:: You can kill an app from the app list to save power.
:: Shows instant power consumption for hardware components with rankings.
:: Can adjust the setting for each hardware component
Power Plan:
:: Supports four modes: User Custom, Balanced, Power Saver, and Super Save modes.
:: Records initial settings to User Custom mode.
:: Users can set values as they like for all modes.
:: Shows time estimation for each mode.
Intelligent Power Saving:
:: It can automatically switch to another mode when the power is lower than a certain threshold.
:: It can automatically disable all connectivity like wi-fi, Bluetooth, when the battery goes below a certain threshold.
:: Shows notification when the battery is fully charged, visual and audio.
:: Show notification when the battery is lower than a certain threshold.
Now that’s a lot of features, which will satisfy any user. Without a doubt, this is one of the best battery saver app for Android phones, tablets.

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